Usage ----- Description part ================ The description part is called `ACL` within the library. The following implementations are built-in: IdACL: the ACL applies to records identified by their internal Invenio UUIDs DefaultACL: the ACL applies to all records in a given schema(s) ElasticsearchACL: the ACL applies to all records in the given schema(s) that match the given ES query PropertyValueACL: simpler implementation of ElasticsearchACL. The ACL applies to all records in the given schema(s) whose named property/set of properties has a given value Actors ====== Actor defines who has access to a set of resources identified by mapping above. The following implementations are built-in: UserActor: a set of users (direct enumeration) that have access RoleActor: a set of user roles that have access SystemRoleActor: an actor that matches anonymous users, authenticated users or everyone Actors can also take data from the indexed document. For example, if the document contains a property "creator_id", one can use `RecordUserActor(..., path='/creator_id')` to write an ACL matching the creator (whoever it is). The following record actors are built-in: RecordUserActor: a set of users enumerated in a property in the indexed record RecordRoleActor: a set of user roles enumerated in a property in the indexed record Again, these are extensible, so for example if the record metadata contains property `faculty`, one can write a custom `PRBACRoleActor(role='administrator', parameter='faculty', path='/faculty')` to assign rights to the correct faculty administrator defined in a local PRBAC (parametrized role-based access control) system - would match all users with prbac role "administrator[faculty=]" Admin interface =============== The ACLs and actors can be set in the admin interface (albeit not comfortably - we expect that the ACLs are created by your custom code/ui to restrict users to create only ACLs of certain type). .. image:: ./images/menu.png At first create an ACL Actor, in this example a Role ACL (make sure you have the role defined in User Management / Role tab). .. image:: ./images/create_actor.png In the second step map the actor to operation and records, for example property-value based: .. image:: ./images/create_acl.png Within Python code ================== **Creating/Updating/Deleting ACLs** The ACL and Actors are normal sqlalchemy models, use them as usual. For example: .. code-block:: python acl = DefaultACL(name='record default', schemas=[RECORD_SCHEMA], operation='get', originator=current_user) user = User.query.filter(email='...').one() actor = UserActor(name='VIP users', originator=test_users.u1, users=[user]) db.session.add(acl) db.session.add(actor) To (re)apply the ACL to existing records do not forget to call: .. code-block:: python from invenio_explicit_acls.proxies import current_explicit_acls acl = .... current_explicit_acls.reindex_acl(acl, delayed=False) for cases when ACL is created / modified and: .. code-block:: python from invenio_explicit_acls.proxies import current_explicit_acls acl = .... # (a removed acl) current_explicit_acls.reindex_acl_removed(acl, delayed=False) when ACL has been removed. **Searching with current_user** To search records within a request for the `current_user` just replace RecordsSearch class with ACLRecordsSearch. For example: .. code-block:: python index, doc_type = schema_to_index(RECORD_SCHEMA) data = ACLRecordsSearch(index=index, doc_type=doc_type).execute().hits For more info see ` `_. **Searching on behalf of another user** Sometimes we need to search on behalf of another user or the current_user is not set (when working outside the request context, such as in celery task). The ACLs need to get: * the user * set of system roles, such as `any_user`, `authenticated_user` from `invenio_access.permissions` .. code-block:: python from invenio_access.permissions import authenticated_user tested_user = ... data = ACLRecordsSearch( index=index, doc_type=doc_type, user=tested_user, context = { system_roles=[authenticated_user] } ).execute().hits Always provide `system_roles`. If not provided, `SystemRoleActor` will take them from `g.identity` which is probably not what you want in this context !