
Description part

The description part is called ACL within the library.

The following implementations are built-in:

the ACL applies to records identified by their internal Invenio UUIDs
the ACL applies to all records in a given schema(s)
the ACL applies to all records in the given schema(s) that match the given ES query
simpler implementation of ElasticsearchACL. The ACL applies to all records in the given schema(s) whose named property/set of properties has a given value


Actor defines who has access to a set of resources identified by mapping above. The following implementations are built-in:

a set of users (direct enumeration) that have access
a set of user roles that have access
an actor that matches anonymous users, authenticated users or everyone

Actors can also take data from the indexed document. For example, if the document contains a property “creator_id”, one can use RecordUserActor(…, path=’/creator_id’) to write an ACL matching the creator (whoever it is).

The following record actors are built-in:

a set of users enumerated in a property in the indexed record
a set of user roles enumerated in a property in the indexed record

Again, these are extensible, so for example if the record metadata contains property faculty, one can write a custom PRBACRoleActor(role=’administrator’, parameter=’faculty’, path=’/faculty’) to assign rights to the correct faculty administrator defined in a local PRBAC (parametrized role-based access control) system - would match all users with prbac role “administrator[faculty=<value of faculty property in the document>]”

Admin interface

The ACLs and actors can be set in the admin interface (albeit not comfortably - we expect that the ACLs are created by your custom code/ui to restrict users to create only ACLs of certain type).


At first create an ACL Actor, in this example a Role ACL (make sure you have the role defined in User Management / Role tab).


In the second step map the actor to operation and records, for example property-value based:


Within Python code

Creating/Updating/Deleting ACLs

The ACL and Actors are normal sqlalchemy models, use them as usual. For example:

acl = DefaultACL(name='record default', schemas=[RECORD_SCHEMA],
user = User.query.filter(email='...').one()
actor = UserActor(name='VIP users', originator=test_users.u1,

To (re)apply the ACL to existing records do not forget to call:

from invenio_explicit_acls.proxies import current_explicit_acls

acl = ....
current_explicit_acls.reindex_acl(acl, delayed=False)

for cases when ACL is created / modified and:

from invenio_explicit_acls.proxies import current_explicit_acls

acl = .... # (a removed acl)
current_explicit_acls.reindex_acl_removed(acl, delayed=False)

when ACL has been removed.

Searching with current_user

To search records within a request for the current_user just replace RecordsSearch class with ACLRecordsSearch. For example:

index, doc_type = schema_to_index(RECORD_SCHEMA)

data = ACLRecordsSearch(index=index, doc_type=doc_type).execute().hits

For more info see

Searching on behalf of another user

Sometimes we need to search on behalf of another user or the current_user is not set (when working outside the request context, such as in celery task). The ACLs need to get:

  • the user
  • set of system roles, such as any_user, authenticated_user from invenio_access.permissions
from invenio_access.permissions import authenticated_user

tested_user = ...

data = ACLRecordsSearch(
    index=index, doc_type=doc_type,
    context = {

Always provide system_roles. If not provided, SystemRoleActor will take them from g.identity which is probably not what you want in this context !